Week #1-c Mother did it have to be so high

Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands to listen too.  Over the weekend I was out doing my 10 hour long run while listening to a few songs on repeat.  MOTHER was one of those songs and since my mind is very focused on MKMMA I was relating what I was hearing to the new things that are filling my mind.    One of the lines says, “Mother did it have to be so high….” (The wall that is).  This, in conjunction with the Mastery Key lesson and OG, reminded me of something special that I have really worked hard on for the last 4 years.  And that is…………replacing so many of the limiting beliefs that I received when I was younger (the WALL) with new, powerful, and invigorating beliefs.  This relates to OG’s statement about our habits and thoughts from our past being limitations of future potential.  They need replacing with new thoughts (tearing down the WALL) and habits that don’t have those limits.  That is what I have been doing now for a few years and I am really focused on it with MKMMA.  To me, many of the simple things that I believe are actually false and bring death rather than life.  A few examples:

  • It’s not ok to believe differently than my family
  • It’s not ok to be myself if it is too different
  • Peace and happiness come from the accumulation of things and my worth is based on me being a workaholic
  • Do everything I can to not be a “lazy person”, of course the definition of lazy is a bit outlandish.

Examples of new beliefs:

  • I am my own person with great value and have a lot to offer regardless of the unwritten rules of my family
  • I accept myself deep down inside of my being and this acceptance doesn’t come from the outside
  • Peace and happiness come from inner peace and happiness which comes from the deep down belief that “I AM OK”.
  • I am a productive and useful person to the world and I don’t have to accept a faulty definition of lazy in my life or be bound by it.

Don’t live a life of fear and guilt that you aren’t meeting up with the outside world’s opinion of what you should be.  Live a life that fits into what you feel is truly valuable and  you will be far happier.  It’s called cognitive dissonance.  Where you act differently than you believe deep inside.  This happens a lot when you try to please everyone else other than your deep down self.  IT SUCKS!  lol

2 thoughts on “Week #1-c Mother did it have to be so high

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yes, we sometimes get trapped by how other people have judged us and our choices. Life is too short to live by anyone’s standards but our own. So excited about this course which gives us all a chance to change our direction and destination!


    • You are so right about life being too short to live by others standards. I spent SO many years trying to solely please others and it never got me any of the thigns that I really wanted in life. Thanks for your insight


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