Week 2-c DMP and Connect The Dots

059-connect-dots-kids-adultsAs I sit there in my office ever so comfortably and warm, I close my eyes bringing up a picture of my Definite Major Purpose in life.  I had just read it aloud with great enthusiasm several times………..you see I am striving to find out what my Personal Pivotal Needs mean to me and how they work into my purpose !  My PPN are Legacy and Autonomy.  Yet my DMP deals a lot with building people up so I am working to reconcile how building people fits in with autonomy.  I have written two versions of my DMP to see which one resonates more with me.

Back to the sit!  As I sit there focusing all my thoughts on Legacy and Autonomy………it hits me.  I don’t have to know HOW it all fits together.  “Oh my God I am thinking!”  It is actually ok to not have the how worked out before that action begins.  My Definite Major Purpose is most CERTAINLY going to happen and is happening right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I will see HOW the dots connected with each step I take towards the purpose.  Building people up in their lives is going to fit right in perfectly with autonomy whether I know how right now or not.

I am telling you right now that this is freaking huge guys.  MKMMA is a plan that is going to reveal the how in time.  I am learning that the how doesn’t matter as much as the WHY and the HABITS that move you in the perfect direction you need to go in order to obtain a great thing.  The connect the dots picture above is a visual of what I mean……….my DMP right now may seem HUGE and overwhelming because it is many dots scattered across my life, my perfectionism to have the autonomy and building people thing seems difficult now, but with each day that passes where I continue my journey with reading, focusing, and re-reading………………….A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE IS GOING TO EMERGES FROM THE JUMBLE DOTS (stepping stones)  THAT I AM FOLLOWING! YES!

Week 2-b The guardian and the gate keeper

blackgate_jordansAs part of my study of the Master Key Lesson 2 I was really intrigued by 2:9-14.  Specifically  that the conscious mind carries with it the responsibility of choice and impressing and directing the subconscious. Also that it is the highest function of the conscious mind to potentially completely reverse conditions in our lives by directing the subconscious.  It is the gate keeper and guardian.

This really rang true to me because so much of the bull shit that I believe or fear or feel guilt about or even just negative stuff is a result of my subconscious receiving faulty suggestions from the world.  So if you can protect the powerful and “feeling” subconscious from much of the crap in the world through the direct impressing of the objective mind life will be better.  Feelings will be better.  Circumstances will be better.

That by constructively using our mind,  all the junk we don’t really actually want to be feeling and thinking, “the trained conscious mind can entirely prevent by its vigilant protective action”  This was sooooo cool to me.  We take info, cues, and stimulus from the outside world all the time.  If we are careful and “protective” of what we allow to go through our filters to the subconscious mind, we can build up habits and beliefs about ourselves that are VASTLY more productive for our lives.

But you don’t have to lose hope if you are already seemingly stuck in wrong thinking and a life you didn’t dream of.  Charles Hannel states this amazing fact: “The subconscious mind cannot argue controversially.  Hence, if it has accepted wrong suggestions, the sure method of overcoming them is by the use of a strong counter suggestion, frequently repeated, which the mind must accept, thus eventually forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for the subconscious mind is the seat of habit.”  “This is favorable for us if the habit be wholesome and right”

And this is exactly what I and others are doing in the MKMMA program.  It is so exciting to be a part of an action plan that is helping me to change from the inside out into the person that I have always dreamed of becoming.

Week 2-a Building blocks look like blue rectangles today!!!

Light_Blue_Rectangle_Labels__45023_1409290705_1280_1280 Today was a nice experience for me.  After making the note cards with the “I Promise” statements yesterday, and reading them several times today, I was EASILY “reminded” about the cards as I drove to some of my appointments.  How was I reminded, I was reminded as intended I believe LOL.  Many times throughout the day I saw the color blue, or a rectangle, and often times even a blue rectangle.  What do you think happened when I saw these things?????????????????

In my mind a wonderfully powerful resounding note of “I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES”.  YES!  Now you can’t beat that compared to what is often going through my mind.  You know, the self-doubt, or pity, or fear.  Those damn thoughts we have coming at us constantly.  The ones that keep us down rather than build us up.  I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES is much better.  Changed the attitude for the entire day and this is only the first day of week two.  Of course (as intended again I am sure), I didn’t just stop there.  I repeated, sometimes aloud and sometimes in my mind, the rest of what my cards said.  The chore I have as a goal, my PPN (pivotal personal needs), and final my signed name on the bottom line.

It’s super simple, and I gather that some people think it is too simple for them to try,  but for me this is a blessing to my days.  I look forward to the day when “I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES” means even more to me than it even does right now.  That day is coming.

One last thing, right now I KNOW that that day is coming.  FOR SURE.  This feeling beats the hell out of some speech or opinion bringing a little added guilt into my day regarding how I am not measuring up to someone else’s standards.  “I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES” IS ABOUT MY STANDARDS AND LIVING IN MY OWN INTEGRITY.